We are an NHS Community Pharmacy serving the people of Pengam.
Premises GPhC Number: 9010391We dispense NHS prescriptions and will give advice on how to get the most benefit from your medicines.
If you have out of date or unwanted medicines, both prescription or over the counter drugs, don’t bin them or flush them. You can take your unwanted or out of date medicines back to your pharmacy for safe disposal, and it’s completely FREE Each year enormous quantities of unused and expired medications are dumped into bins or flushed down toilets and sinks. The effects on the environment and human health are unclear but evidence is pointing to the presence of chemicals from prescriptions and over-the-counter medications in soil, drinking water and the surrounding environment. Just as proper medication administration is important, so is safe and cautious disposal.
Emergency Hormonal Contraception
Emergency Supplies
Holiday Healthcare
The free NHS Discharge Medicines Review Service is available to those who live in Wales, whether you have just been discharged yourself, or if you are helping to care for someone who has just left hospital. We'll help make sure that the medicine you're prescribed by your doctor when you return home is the same as the prescription you received while in hospital, or care setting. We can also answer any questions you may have about your medicine, including how to take it, and can help sort out any issues that may arise.
Medicines Sales
NHS Influenza Vaccination Service
Needle Exchange
Our computer allows us to keep records of all your prescriptions dispensed by us. This helps us check for possible problems, such as reactions between medicines and will help us deal with any queries you may have.
We comply with the Data Protection Act and the NHS code of practice on confidentiality.
We can dispense NHS repeat dispensing prescriptions issued by your doctor. Ask us for more information about this service
We provide a free prescription ordering and collection service from the following surgeries;-
1. Aberbargoed Surgery, Pant Street, Aberbargoed, CF81 9BB
2. Bryntirion Surgery, West Street, Bargoed, CF81 8SA
3. Dr Das Surgery, South Street, Bargoed, CF81 8ST
4. Sunnybank Surgery, The Bryn, Cefn Forest, NP12 3NA
5. Gilfach Surgery, William St, Bargoed, CF81 8NY
6. Dr Ali, Pengam Health Centre, Glan Yr Afon Lane, Fleur De Lis, NP12 3WA
7. Dr Mahto, Pengam Health Centre, Glan Yr Afon Lane, Fleur De Lis, NP12 3WA
8. Bargoed Hall Family Health Centre, Cardiff Road, Bargoed, CF81 8NY
9. White Rose Surgery, New Tredegar, NP24 6EE
10. Deri Medical Centre, New Road, Deri, CF81 9GJ
11. Markham Surgery NP12 OQN
12. Avicenna Health Centre NP12 2YU
13. Pontllanfraith Health Centre NP12 2YU
14. Oakfield Street Surgery CF82 7WX
15. The Bryn Surgery, Cefn Forest, NP12 3LZ
Smoking Cessation Services
Substance Misuse Service
Supervised Methadone and Buprenorphine Consumption
We dispense NHS prescriptions and will give advice on how to get the most benefit from your medicines.
If you have out of date or unwanted medicines, both prescription or over the counter drugs, don’t bin them or flush them. You can take your unwanted or out of date medicines back to your pharmacy for safe disposal, and it’s completely FREE Each year enormous quantities of unused and expired medications are dumped into bins or flushed down toilets and sinks. The effects on the environment and human health are unclear but evidence is pointing to the presence of chemicals from prescriptions and over-the-counter medications in soil, drinking water and the surrounding environment. Just as proper medication administration is important, so is safe and cautious disposal.
Emergency Hormonal Contraception
Emergency Supplies
Holiday Healthcare
The free NHS Discharge Medicines Review Service is available to those who live in Wales, whether you have just been discharged yourself, or if you are helping to care for someone who has just left hospital. We'll help make sure that the medicine you're prescribed by your doctor when you return home is the same as the prescription you received while in hospital, or care setting. We can also answer any questions you may have about your medicine, including how to take it, and can help sort out any issues that may arise.
Medicines Sales
NHS Influenza Vaccination Service
Needle Exchange
Our computer allows us to keep records of all your prescriptions dispensed by us. This helps us check for possible problems, such as reactions between medicines and will help us deal with any queries you may have.
We comply with the Data Protection Act and the NHS code of practice on confidentiality.
We can dispense NHS repeat dispensing prescriptions issued by your doctor. Ask us for more information about this service
We provide a free prescription ordering and collection service from the following surgeries;-
1. Aberbargoed Surgery, Pant Street, Aberbargoed, CF81 9BB
2. Bryntirion Surgery, West Street, Bargoed, CF81 8SA
3. Dr Das Surgery, South Street, Bargoed, CF81 8ST
4. Sunnybank Surgery, The Bryn, Cefn Forest, NP12 3NA
5. Gilfach Surgery, William St, Bargoed, CF81 8NY
6. Dr Ali, Pengam Health Centre, Glan Yr Afon Lane, Fleur De Lis, NP12 3WA
7. Dr Mahto, Pengam Health Centre, Glan Yr Afon Lane, Fleur De Lis, NP12 3WA
8. Bargoed Hall Family Health Centre, Cardiff Road, Bargoed, CF81 8NY
9. White Rose Surgery, New Tredegar, NP24 6EE
10. Deri Medical Centre, New Road, Deri, CF81 9GJ
11. Markham Surgery NP12 OQN
12. Avicenna Health Centre NP12 2YU
13. Pontllanfraith Health Centre NP12 2YU
14. Oakfield Street Surgery CF82 7WX
15. The Bryn Surgery, Cefn Forest, NP12 3LZ
Smoking Cessation Services
Substance Misuse Service
Supervised Methadone and Buprenorphine Consumption